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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Neil Gaiman excerpts

"The me who was screaming was so far inside nobody knew he was even there at all. Even I forgot that he was there [...]"


"A couple of hours down the highway my cell phone started to ring. I wound down the window and threw the cell phone out. I wondered who would find it, whether they would answer the phone and find themselves gifted with my life."


"In a perfect perfect world you could fuck people without giving them a piece of your heart. And every glittering kiss and every touch of flesh is another shard of heart you'll never see again.
Until walking (waking? calling?) on your own is unsupportable."

Neil Gaiman is a fuckin' brilliant motherfucker.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Manowar's Top 15

O Manowar Research Institute, GmbH, localizado em Biberach an der Riß, Alemanha, divulgou recentemente os resultados de sua pesquisa épica sobre a preferência das palavras utilizadas por Eric Adams, Joey DeMaio e Karl Logan - membros ativos do Manowar - nas suas composições ao longo da carreira.

Façam suas apostas, pois aí vai a lista!

As top 15 nas músicas do Manowar

15º glory 40
14º battle 46
13º black 56
12º steel 61
11º sword 64
10º death 65
9º power 76
8º fire 83
7º wind 90
6º king 105
5º blood 109
4º metal 129
3º ride 133
2º die 149
1º fight 158

Surpreendente, não?